Here are bits and bites of our everyday organic living. Of course, it's totally different from the glamorous life of the city folks. Farm folks like us are pretty earthy. Sometimes we make curry from the bamboo shoots we found on the ground, sometimes we feed ducks with our left over foods mixed with some herbs, sometimes we tell you what the kids come to check out at our farm, and sometimes we run around doing different organic fairs in Thailand. All are interesting tidbits from our farm. Hope you enjoy reading through these lines and feel free to let us know what you think.
When I first started off my No-Poo Journey three years ago, I heard so many people raving about washing their hair with baking soda (Sodium Bicarbonate). […]
What are we doing here on this planet Earth? What's our journey to the farm like? What are the struggles that challenge our faith? Are we truly live or just experimenting life?...
With COVID19 pandemic spreading all over the world, at the farm, we are trying to figure out what it means to us as human beings, what it means for Mother Earth and how we can spend this best of the time made available to us. Check this post to learn our take on the situation.