What I Did to Avoid My First No-Poo Fail!

The fact is, going completely No-Poo is SCARY.
It is like jumping into the world of the unknown. And the result would stay with you until your next wash day. For someone who doesn’t like to wash hair so often like me, I have to bear the consequences of a bad wash day a little while longer than other people. So, for me, the steak is high!
As much as I wanted to get into the No-Poo as quickly as I could, I knew that along this journey, there would be a lot of failures. I may feel defeated and give it all up. Or I could find a way to minimize the chance of failure and disappointment.
That’s why I’m going to tell you my little No-Poo secret… and that is Low-Poo!

While there aren’t that many people know of No-Poo. There are even fewer people who have heard of ‘Low-Poo.’ Basically, it’s the usage of mild chemicals like soap to clean your hair. It’s naturally anything sulfate-free with a minimal amount of surfactants and foam.
When I first started on this journey, Low-poo gave me my first taste of the wilderness.
The logic was simple, I didn’t want to get cold feet, jumping right off into the world of the unknown right away. So, I started off trying the next easiest alternative first before getting more and more serious about it.
It’s the same idea why people warm up their bodies before an intense exercise.
To be clear, when I first started going No-Poo, it wasn’t because I wanted to solve any hair or scalp issues. The only small pet peeve I had with my hair was it got super oily, super fast. But it didn’t really bother me that much.
What’s more important for me was that I didn’t have to wash my hair every few days. I wanted to space it out over a longer period of time, maybe once a week or once every two weeks. And I was looking for a long term solution. For me, going No-Poo became another experiment that gave me a good reason to not having to wash my hair so often.
I would be fine with whatever outcome it turns out to be, as long as I could explain to people why I let my hair gets super oily.
By gradually transitioning into Low-Poo first, washing my hair with different kinds of soaps, bar soaps, and Castile soaps, I was able to get the first hint of the feeling of No-Poo. My hair felt clean enough although it didn’t feel soft or bouncy. At the same time, I started to feel more comfortable with my own hair and its natural oils.
I then went completely Low-Poo and switched back and forth between Low-Poo and No-Poo until I felt that I was ready for the feeling of going completely No-Poo.
And that’s when my real No-Poo Journey began.
Looking back, without trying Low-Poo First, I might have given up the No-Poo Method completely a long time ago.
The adjustment was important. The transitioning period was important. Low-Poo has prepared me with lots of room for failure and improvement. As long as there’s a will, there’s a way.
And that’s why, when people come to me asking about No-Poo, I often asked them back whether they have tried washing their hair with mild shampoo or non-foaming shampoo or not!