How is Our No-Poo Head to Toe Wash Made?
When we go to market events, one of the most frequently asked questions is how our products are made. And to be more specific, people want to know how we make our famous No-Poo Head to Toe Wash.
Actually, how we turn whole limes, orange, and leaves into shampoo, conditioner, or body wash is no secret in our grannies. So, today we are showing you in detail how we make it. Check out the YouTube video here!
How it’s made: No-Poo Head to Toe Wash
1) Wash all the ingredients including Kaffir Lime, Better Orange, and Bai Mee Leaf
2) Cut the limes and oranges into smaller pieces and remove the seeds.
3) Boil them all together and turn them into green mushy solution
4) Blend everything together with a blender
5) Filter the solution to remove the small particles and residues left in the shampoo
6) Re-boil with double boiler technique
7) Bottle and pack.
As you can see, the way we make our No-Poo Wash involves no chemicals, surfactants, or even preservatives. Hence, we call it No-Poo following the No-Poo Method. It is 100% chemical-free and it does not foam up. Meanwhile, the only thing that helps prolong its shelf life is the high concentration of natural essential oils found in the lime and orange peel which is naturally antibacterial antiviral. At the same time, the amazingly refreshing aroma from the No-Poo Wash makes it a go-to wash to wake your senses up or even relaxing after a long day.
You may ask… “It’s so simple, can I make it at home?”
Absolutely, if you can find the ingredients or feel like there are things you’d like to try to turn it into a shampoo or body wash with, it might as well be worth trying following the same steps as mentioned above.
Apart from that, the fact that it is an all-in-one whole body wash means you can just carry one bottle with you wherever you go and it will make your whole life easier without buying each individual product separately. Needless to explain more how to use it and why it can be applied throughout your body, you can find out more information on our product page.
If you get to make one, give us a shout. How you did it? Which are the ingredients? How did you feel like using it on your hair and body? Let us know below!